

On the Future
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  Presentations at Seminars and Conferences

 December 2008

bullet Baltic Development Forum Copenhagen - Malmø Summit 30 November - 2 December. Panelist on Development of a 5th freedom (free movement of knowledge) in the European Union: Can the Baltic Sea Region be a frontrunner?

 November 2008

bulletNanyang Technological University.  Paper submitted to ‘Interdisciplinary Studies on happiness workshop II’ 20 – 21 November 2008, organized by the Centre for Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS) at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Topic: Happiness as a driver for creativity and growth: The example of Denmark. Click.
bulletFolkeskolesamling 2008, 15. November 2008, arrangeret af Pædagogisk udviklingscenter i Køge, Globalisering og integration. 'Globalisering og Uddannelse'. Click

 October 2008   

bulletUddannelseskonferencen for undervisere i Skive den 30. Oktober 2008. 'Globalisering og Uddannelse'. Click
bulletGuest lecture at Singapore Management Nniversity, 20 October 2008, basic elements of the European Union. Click

 September 2008

 Workshop arranged by the EU-delegation in Singapore for heads of all EU-delegations in Asia. 11 September 2008. Political Developments in the Region. Click

July 2008

Symposium organised 3 july by ASEF on the book ‘ The New Asian Hemisphere’, by Prof. Kishore Mahbubani. Intervention on ´The importance of global  institutions in mediating between the West and Asia´. Click.

June 2008

Eight Daisaku Ikeda Annual Lecture. 29 June 2008. Topic: Securing Peace in Asia for the Next 25 years. Click.

April 2008

Lecture at Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), NTU, Singapore, April 10, 2008. Click.

February 2008

bullet Presentation at Norwegian Business association, Singapore, 21 February 2008. Topic: future perspectives for Asia. Click.
bullet Guest lecture, 20 February 2008, National University of Singapore. Political Science. Topic: basic elements of the European Union. Click
bullet Præsentation ved seminar arrangeret af Asia Research Center, CBS og FUHU den 1. Februar 2008, ´Den asiatiske udfordring -   dynamik og styrkepositioner´. Click

November 2007

bullet Lecture November 12, Diplomacy Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. RSIS panel. Click
bullet Lecture November 12, 2007, The EU-ASEAN Commemorative summit. Journalist`s Seminar. Topic: Regional integration for ASEAN & EU. Click

October 2007

bullet Lecture October 12, 2007 at Tamkang University, Graduate Institute of Futures Studies, A Vacuum in Strategic Thinking: The Repercussions for Strategic Thinking of Globalization, Click
bullet Lecture October 12, 2007 at National Chengchi University, Basic Principles of the European Union and its Role in the World, Click.
bullet Lecture October 11, 2007, Chung-Hua institution for Economic Research, Globalization in an Asian-European Perspective, Click.
bullet Lecture October 11, European Chamber of Commerce Taipei, Globalization in an Asian-European Perspective, Click.

September 2007

 Lecture September 24, 2007 at University of Copenhagen, Series "Europe as a Challenge - Challenges to Europe",  topic: " China, Japan and India as Challenges to the European Welfare State", Click.

May 2007

Præsentation for gruppe under institut for Ledelse `Den Globale Udfordring´ den 9. maj 2007. Click.

March 2007

Præsentation for gruppe af danske embedsmænd om `Globalisering med fokus på Asien`, den 21. marts 2007. Click.

January 2007

Moderator at The annual meeting of all Danish business managers (VL døgn) January 2007

November 2006

bullet Præsentation for BKF (Børne- og kulturchef Foreningen) om `Globaliseringen er over os` den 17 november 2006. Click
bullet Præsentation for Dansk Metal om ´Globalisering og uddannelser med særligt henblik på Danmarks muligheder` den 16 november 2006. Click

October 2006.

bulletPresentation at Copenhagen Business School, Asia Business Forum 13 October 2006. Topic: India at crossroads - How will india respond to future dynamics of Asia. Click

September 2006.

bulletPanelist in conference on attracting talent. organized by SIIA and SMU. 9. September 2006
bulletParticipation in conference on Co-existence of Civilisation. Summing up the debate. September 4 - 6, 2006.
bulletPresentation for økonomistyrelsen. Den globale udfordring. Click. 4. september 2006.
bulletPresentation for  Harald Halberg Holding A/S. Globale økonoomiske og politiske trends med fokus på Asien. 1. september 2006.
bulletPresentation for Plougmann & Vingtoft. Asien, Sydøstasien, økonomisk vækst, samhandel, globalisering. 1. september 2006

August 2006

bulletPresentation at Asean Roundtable, organized by ISEAS. 25 August 2006. Intervention converted into article published in The Straits Times. Click
bulletPresentation for Rederiet J. Lauritzen. Global Politucs and Economics. 10 August 2006.

Juni 2006.

bulletPresentation at workshop arranged by the Faculty of Economics, Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Economic Integration and FTAs. 2 June, 2006 Click

Maj 2006.

bulletPresentation for Bankinvest. Globale politiske og økonomiske trends - Fokus på Asien. 19 Maj, 2006.
bulletPresentation for Sparekassen Vestsjælland. Den globale udvikling. 18 Maj, 2006.
bulletPresentation for den konservative folketingsgruppe. EU tænkepause. 17 Maj. 2006. Click. Dansk tekst.
bulletLecture at Copenhagen Business School. Global transition of power. 17 Maj, 2006. Click English text.
bulletPresentation for Institut for Selskabsledelse. Global Leadership. 15 Maj, 2006.
bulletPresentation for Leo Pharma. Asia - the engine of growth, an economic and political update. May 1, 2006.

April 2006.

bulletPresentation at seminar organized by ISEAS about regional integration. April 24, 2006. Click. English text.

March 2006

bulletPresentation at Raffles Junior College, March 29, 2006. Internationalization.

Februar 2006

bulletPræsentation (Danish text) for 11 rektorer for gymnasier på Fyn den 25 februar 2006. Emne: Det globale vidnesamfund. Click
bulletPresentation (Danish text) at seminar arranged by Dansk Industri og Insead February 8, 2006 om den globale økonomi, den asiatiske økonomi samt muligheder/risici/udfordringer for danske virksomheder på det kinesiske marked. Click - Click

Januar 2006.

bulletPræsentation (Danish text) for Danish China Business Forum den 27 januar 006. Emne: Kina om fem år - hvorfor skal danske virksomheder handle nu? Click
bulletPræsentation (Danish text) for DHI den 26 januar 2006. Emne: Det globale vindensamfund. Click
bulletPresentation (English text) at the annual meeting of all Danish business managers (VL døgn) January 24 - 25, 2006. Theme: Global Leadership. Click

December 2005 

bulletPræsentation (dansk tekst) for Nykredit den 7 december 2005. Emne: Den globale udvikling med særligt henblik på Kina og Indien. Click
bulletPræsentation (dansk tekst)for Niras den 6 december 2005. Emne: Det globale vidensamfund. Click
bulletPræsentation (dansk tekst)for møder (5-8 december 2005) i København, Ålborg, Århus arrangeret af Prosa. Emne: Globalisering og IT. Hvor er Kina og Indien på vej hen? Og hvilke muligheder har vi i Danmark? Click
bulletPræsentation f(dansk tekst)or en gruppe danske erhversvledere den 5 december 2005. Emne: Den globale politiske og økonomiske udvikling. Click
bulletPræsentation (dansk tekst)  den 2 december 2005 for Undervisningsministeriet om det globale uddanelsesmarked. Click  
bulletPræsentation (dansk tekst)  om eksport af danske uddannelser på mødet den 1 december 2005 i Globaliseringsrådet ( Click

November 2005

bulletTwo Presentations (Danish text) at seminar arranged by Dansk Industri og Insead om den globale økonomi, den asiatiske økonomi samt muligheder/risici/udfordringer for danske virksomheder på det kinesiske marked. Click - Click
bulletPresentation (English text)  delivered at a seminar November 12, 2005 arranged in Singapore by  DTU (Denmarks Technical University) in collaboration with Insead. Topic: Globalisation and its impact on Asia. Click
bulletPresentations (English text)  delivered at a seminar November 9, 2005 arranged in Singapore by Danish industry in collaboration with Insead, Singapore. Topic: Economic outlook, Strategy and Tactic for enterprises on the Asian Market. Part One Click. Part two Click.

October 2005.

bulletPresentation (Englsih text) at meeting October 28, 2005 about The Future of the University of Copenhagen in the Global Knowledge Society. Topic: The Global Market for Higher Education - an Asian Perspective. Click
bulletPresentation  (English text) delivered to Nordea seminar in Hong Kong, Singapore and Bangkok during the week Oct 17 - Oct 20, 2005. Topic: The Economic outlook for 2006 - any good investment ideas? Click

September 2005

bulletTwo presentations (English text)  delivered to workshop September 2005 in Shanghai organised by Danish industry and Trade Commission of Denmark, Chongqing. Topic: Conquering the China Market. Click - Click 
bulletTo møder i Center for Ledelse. September 6, 2005. Globalisering, Asien, chancer og risici. Click - Click
bulletRegion Midtjylland. September 5, 2005. Emne: Regionernes rolle. Click
bulletPostgraduate Practical Law Course (PLC) 2005 EDU-DINE. September 2, 2005 at The Executives Club.Topic: Risk and opportunities. Global trends affecting Asia. Click

August 2005

bulletDeputy Permanent Secretaries, Danish Civil Administration. Global Challenges. click.
bulletInstitute for Defense and Strategic Studies (IDSS), Singapore. Repercussions for Strategic Thinking of Globalisation. Click.

June 2005

bullet11th Students Leader Seminar, Hwa Chong Institution, Singapore. Topic: A new International System.
bulletSeminar arranged by LO/FTF/AC - presentation on Hvad skal Danmark Leve Af? Danish Text. Click
bulletBankinvest - presentation on Globale Economic Trends. Danish Text. Click
bulletDen Danske Finansanalytikerforening - presentation on Economic and Political Development in Asia. Danish Text.  Click

May 2005

bulletDet Radikale Venstres 100 års jubilæum - presentation on GlobalTrends. Danish Text. Click

April 2005

bulletBidrag til Ræson om Asiens fremtid - click www.ræ Dansk webtidsskrift.

February 2005


Norwegian Business Association Singapore - presentation on Global Development in an Asian Perspective. Click

bulletDanish Business Associations Singapore - presentation on Global Political and Economic Trends with Special Emphasis on Opportunities and Risks in Asia. Click

January 2005


Hearing in the Danish parliament about the future energy policy – presentation about foreign- and security policy aspects. Danish text. Click


Seminar arranged by Dansk Industri about South East Asia – presentation about economic prospects. Danish Text. Click


Seminar for all Permanent Secretaries in the Danish civil administration – presentation about Denmark and globalisation. Danish Text. Click


Seminar arranged by De Konservative – presentation about globalisation. Danish Text. Click

 December 2004


Conference by Kommunernes Landsforening and Ministry of Education – presentation about the future education system in a global context.

 November 2004


CBS Executice Masters programme – presentation Global impact on Asia, opportunities and risks. Click


KMD visit to Singapore – presentation about politics and economics in Asia.

 October 2004


Lee Kuan Yew School of Government – presentation about new international system. click


University of Tasmania – presentation about a new international system. Click 


University of Tasmania – presentation about the future of Europe. Click

 September 2004


CBS – presentation about a new international system. Click


Cirius conference – presentation about the future education system in a global context.

 August 2004


Seminar by the Danish Ministry of Education – presentation about the future education system in a global context.

 June 2004


University of Queensland.- presentation about a new international system. Click


Technology University of Queensland – presentation about a new international system. Click

 May 2004


Institute for South East Asia Studies – presentation about a new international system. Click


Asia Business Forum – South East Asia Between China and India. Click


Bankinvest – presentation about politics and economics in East Asia.


United Nations Ass. of Singapore – presentation about new international system.

 April 2004


LeoPharma – presentation about politics and economics, update for Asia.


Insead, Singapore campus – presentation about Asia-Europe in a global context. Click


And read my essay about Hans Christian Andersen and management in today´s world. Click

Guest Lectures at the Following Universities, Institutions, and Think Tanks


St Anthony´s College Oxford University, Chatham House, European College Warszawa, European University Institute  Firenze, University of Copenhagen, University of Aarhus, Copenhagen Business School, Royal Swedish Foreign Ministry, Det Udenrigspolitiske Selskab Danmark, Utenrikspolitisk Selskab Norge.


Harvard, Commonwealth Club San Francisco, World Future Society, Berkeley, UCLA, Stanford, University of Washington, University of Tulsa, International Bar Association, San Fransisco 2003.


National University of Singapore, LKY School of Government, Insead Singapore, Chulalongkorn University, Sophia University,  Institute for South East Asia Studies, Institute for Policy Studies,  Renmin University of China,  The Research Center for Contemporary China at Peking University, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, CEIBS Shanghai, Zhejiang University, Asia Europe Foundation (Asef).


Australian National University, University of Tasmania, University of Queensland, Technology University of Queensland, University of Auckland, Victoria University of Wellington, University of Canterbury.


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This site was last updated 12/08/08