

On the Future
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List of publications - books
bulletSingapore 2008: European Integration - Sharing of Experiences, ISEAS, Singapore.
bulletCopenhagen 2007: Asien Buldrer, Aschehoug (co-author Jan Lund).
bulletSingapore 2004: A New International System, ISEAS
bulletCopenhagen 2004: En ny verdensorden - eller slet ingen, Thorups forlag
bulletCopenhagen 2002: New Challenges for Asian and European Enterprises, CBS Click
bulletCopenhagen 2002: Nye Perspektiver for Sydøstasien (2nd edition), DUPI
bulletCopenhagen 2001: Internationalismen og dem der står uden for, DUPI
bulletWestport CT 2000: The End of Internationalism or World Governance, Greenwood Publishing House
bulletCopenhagen 1999: Nye Perspektiver for Sydøstasien, DUPI
bulletCopenhagen 1997: Hvorfor EU?, Thorups Forlag
bulletCopenhagen 1996: Hvem bestemmer hvad i EU?, Forlaget Systime A/S (co-author Peter Nedergaard)
bulletCopenhagen 1995: Store Slag i Anden Verdenskrig. Generalerne - Statsmændene, Thorups Forlag
bulletCopenhagen 1995: Danmark i Verdensøkonomien, Munksgaard (co-author Peter Nedergaard)
bulletWestport CT 1995: The Future European Model, Greenwood Publishing Group
bulletCopenhagen 1993: Folkeslag i Central- og سØsteuropa.
bulletStockholm 1992: Europas Väg til EG, Svenska Dagbladets F?g
bulletCopenhagen 1992: Verden i 90'erne, Akademisk Forlag
bulletCopenhagen 1992: Europa, Thorups Forlag
bulletCopenhagen 1991: Technology and Culture in a European Context, Handelsh?lens Forlag
bulletCopenhagen 1990:Det Internationale Samfund, Akademisk Forlag
bulletCopenhagen 1990: Europa år 2000, DJ؆ Forlaget
bulletBangkok 1989: Future of the European Community - Implications for Asean and Thailand, Chulalongkorn Economic Research Center
bulletCopenhagen 1988: Europa frem mod år 2000
bulletCopenhagen 1987: Teknologi og Kultur, Akademisk Forlag
bulletCopenhagen 1986: EF - et skridt fremad, men mod hvad?
bulletCopenhagen 1985: Højdepunkter fra Den Anden Verdenskrig
bulletFirenze 1985: Financing European Integration, European University Institute, working paper no.85/139
bulletCopenhagen Hvad skal Danmark leve af? Erhvervspolitisk Forum
bulletCopenhagen 1983: Fremtidens udfordring - Økonomisk, socialt, teknologisk, Akademisk Forlag
bulletCopenhagen 1984: EF's fremtid
bulletCopenhagen 1982: Member States and the Community Budget, Samfundsvidenskabeligt Forlag
bulletCopenhagen 1982: Det post-industrielle samfund
bulletCopenhagen 1981: Den verdensøkonomiske krise
bulletCopenhagen 1976: Guld, dollar, sterling
bulletCopenhagen 1973: Industripolitik i Europa
bulletCopenhagen 1969: Det Internationale Betalingssystem

List of publications - articles

Contributions to:

American Interest `THE RETURN OF MALTHUS AND INTERNATIONAL ORDER`  July-August 2008. Link: or Click
Asia Europe Journal Volume 4. Number 2. June 2006. Click.
Asian Affairs, No 27, Year 2006. Click.
Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol 21, No2, June 2008. Discussant, The global importance of illiberal moderates, an exchange. Click
Contemporary Southeast Asia, Volume 29, Number 3, December 2007, Click.
The International Economy,
Futures Quarterly,
Business Horizons,
The Futurist,
The World Economy,
ournal of Common Market Studies,
National Westminster Bank Quarterly Review,
Strategic Review,
The World Today,
Perspectives, Competitiveness Review,
Journal of European Integration,
Revue du Marche Commun,
Internasjonal Politikk,
Nationaloekonomisk Tidsskrift,
Oekonomi og Politik,
Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift,
Politik. Vol 11, issue 2, September 2008. Click
Forskningen og Samfundet,
Udenrigs, Click
NIAS Newsletter,
The National Interest, 
In The National Interest (,
SIIA Reader,
Ræson (www.ræ
Australian Army Journal. Volume III, number 1, 2005-06. Click

Book Reviews in: Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 19 number 3, September 2006 Click. Contemporary  Southeast Asia, Vol. No. 1 (2006). Click. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol 19 number 1, March 2006. Click. Udenrigs, 4.2007. Click.

Read my speech/article from spring 2003 about Europe, Click, my articles about Asia, China and India printed in ´In The National Interest´ Click, Click and my article about Internationalism printed in ´The Futurist´ and submitted to 2003 annual meeting of The World Future Society. Click

List of publications - contributions

Contributor to:

bulletSingapore 2008: Regional Outlook, Southeast Asia 2008-2009. Click
bulletKøbenhavn 2007: Social Kapital, som teori og praksis, Paul Hegedahl og Sara Lea Rosenmeier (red). Kapitel 9: Social kapital - i et globalt perspektiv.
bulletLos Angeles 2007: International Business and Globalization, Vol. I, the Growth, Consequences, and Future of Globalization, ed by Daniels, John D. and Krug, Jeffrey A. Krug, Chapter 15, reprint of article `Wanted: A New Strategy for Globalization` from the Futurist , 38(1) (2004): 20+27.
bulletSingapore 2007: New Thinking on Peace, Singapore 2007, Chapter two: Fight terror from Moral High Ground.
bulletSingapore 2007: Religious Pluralism in Democratic Societies, Singapore-Kuala Lumpur 2007, (ed) K. S. Nathan. Chapter nine on The Prophet Muhammad Cartoon Episode and Implications for Europe-Muslim Relations: A Danish Perspective. Click.
bulletSingapore 2007: Regional Outlook, Southeast Asia 2007-2008. Click
bulletSingapore 2006: Eminent Persons Group (EPG) on the ASEAN Charter, ISEAS, trends in Southeast Asia Series 8(2006).
bulletSingapore 2005: Framing the Asean Charter. Click.
bulletCopenhagen 2005: De Befriede os.
bulletCopenhagen 2004: Images of Asia - Cultural Perspectives on a Changing Asia
bulletWashington 2003: 21st Century Opportunities and Challenges
bulletLondon, New York 2003: Foreword to - Asia and Europe
bulletCopenhagen 2003: USA/Europe. Fjender i Fællesskab.
bulletCopenhagen 2003: Danmark 30 år i EU
bulletCopenhagen 2002: Den Europæiske Nødvendighed - 66 vinduer ud mod fremtidens EU efter næste regeringskonference
bulletSingapore 2001: Integration or Disintegration of the Modern World? (Published by ASEF)
bulletParis 2000: The Creative Society of the 21st Century (Pulished by OECD)
bulletCopenhagen 1999: Om Voksenundervisning
bulletCopenhagen 1996: Kultur og Pædagogik
bulletFirenze 1988: The Future Financing of the EU Budget
bulletCopenhagen 1987: Forskningspolitik
bulletParis 1986: les Resources Financiéres de la Communauté Européenne
bulletCopenhagen 1986: Teknologi for Fremtiden
bulletBrussels 1985: An Even Closer Union
bulletCopenhagen 1981: Dansk Udenrigspolitisk Årbog
bulletCopenhagen 1973: Eurolex


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This site was last updated 09/12/08